

KIKONI SURE APP: Why This App Got 10,000 App installs in only 2 Weeks after its Launching.

Did you know this Application got over 10,000 app installs in only 2 weeks, Why?

It is only because it was a dating app targeting a specificgroup of people and that group is a youth group aged between 18 and 45. And at the same time it was targeting people at University and tertialy levels of Education.

Many people were excited of the Application only because they though it was a S*x Trading application not a dating application. Many people fallen for it basing on that judgment.

I am the developer of the Application and I believe that the application was made for dating and it was just negatively perceived by the public especially news anchors and many other official people from the Government. 
You can access the application via the link below:
I as the developer, Many people thought I was selling my clients or app users for money but that was not the case because my only monetization Strategy I had for the App was using google AdSense ads .

I used admob to monetize the app and that was all.
The above picture shows the number of Downloads from the Application.

Then this photo too shows the original description of the application on googke playstore. 

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