

How to Start a YouTube Channel In 2022 and Make $1076 Monthly From Google Ads

I bring you to the world of free online money where by starting a YouTube channel makes you a millionaire at an early age Like me. 20 years ago, I was born and now its 2022 and I am here to inform you about Starting a YouTube Channel and making real money by Uploading Videos on your YouTube Channel.

To create a YouTube Channel, You need to have a google account and head directly to your Image icon in the top right corner of your YouTube App on your Phone or computer.

Sign in using the account you created and make sure you have have am your details below. Make sure you remember your account password and enable two step Verification on your account.

Click on create a YouTube channel and select the Nam to use and your good to Go.

Start Uploading Videos and get a sharable link from your first videos and share it to your Friends and Families.

After reaching 1k subscribers and 4k watch hours, You will apply for the YouTube Partener program and start making mine from your Videos.

Comment on this post If you have any questions .

Stay Blessed. 
Monetized YouTube Channels are available to buy. Here BUY A MONETIZED YOUTUBE CHANNEL NOW Click Here.

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